
Zoltan Ronay

associate professor

Zoltan Ronay

Associate professor with habilitation, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education

Head of Faculty Quality Management, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology

Educational and research interests:

  • institutional system and regulation of both public and higher education, the leadership of higher educational institutions
  • academic freedom and institutional autonomy
  • the legal framework of education, rules, and obligations of teachers and students
  • Knowledge and Opinion about Law (KOL), legal consciousness and pedagogy of legal consciousness in teacher training
  • the legal history of education; labour law, administrative law, and civil procedure in education


Contact details


+36 30 648-5927

Room number: 404, Kazinczy Street, Budapest, 1075, Hungary

Educational interest

Programme director of Research and Innovation in Higher Education joint Master Programme

BA programme

Pedagogy BA, Community Coordination BA, Human Resources Bsc, Sports manager BSc, Recreation and health promoter BSc, Physical Training BA, several optional courses, supervisor and referee of degree theses;

MA programme

Educational Science MA, Human Resources Counselling MA, Social Integration Ma, several optional courses, supervisor and referee of degree theses;

Postgraduate programme

Addictive Behaviours Counselling Psychology postgraduate specialist training course,

Doctoral programme

supervisor, thesis topic proposer, lecturer, and referee of theses in the Doctoral School of Education, referee of theses in the Doctoral School of Law of Loránd Eötvös University, University of Pécs and University of Szeged, referee of theses in the Doctoral School of North West University Potchefstroom, South Africa

Postgraduate specialist training courses

Counselling psychology of addictive behaviours, Organisational and leadership development and occupational psychology

Talent support 

• 2022-2023. 36. National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations ("OTDK") The section of Education, Psychology, Andragogy, and Librarianship – consultant [Petrov, Katarina: Egyenlő hozzáférés a felsőoktatáshoz (Equal access to higher education) (2nd prize)]

• 2020-2021. 35. National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations ("OTDK") The section of Education, Psychology, Andragogy, and Librarianship – consultant [Kormos, Kevin: Kreatív demokrácia nyomában iskolafókuszú jogi attitűdkutatások mentén (In the footsteps of creative democracy along school-focused legal attitude research) (Special prize)]

• 2020-2021. New National Excellence Program (“ÚNKP”) – consultant [Kormos, Kevin: Kreatív demokrácia nyomában a magyarországi oktatás különböző szinterein (In the footsteps of creative democracy on various sints of education in Hungary)]

• 2018-2019. 34. National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations ("OTDK") The section of Education, Psychology, Andragogy, and Librarianship – consultant [Nagy-Rádli, Dalma: A felsőoktatási intézmények vezetésében és működtetésében részt vevő hallgatók feladatkörének és intézményi szerepértelmezésének vizsgálata (Inquiring the institutional roles of students participating in Higher Education governance and management) (2nd prize, Special prize)]

• 2018-2019. New National Excellence Program (“ÚNKP”) – consultant [Nagy-Rádli, Dalma: A felsőoktatási intézmények vezetésében és működtetésében részt vevő hallgatók feladatkörének és intézményi szerepértelmezésének vizsgálata (Inquiring the institutional roles of students participating in Higher Education governance and management)]

• 2005. 27. National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations ("OTDK") The section of law and politics – consultant [Csegődi, Tibor László A bolognai folyamat és a felsőoktatás igazgatásának reformja Magyarországon (The Bologna Process and the reform of higher education governance in Hungary) (2nd prize)]

Research interest

Research Group for Education-Law-Pedagogy, Founding member – Head of Research Group

The research group explores the interrelationship and interplay between education and law, pedagogy, education sciences, and law in an inter- and multidisciplinary approach. The focus of its interest is law as the subject and framework of educational activity. In this context, we examine the teaching of law especially to non-lawyers and the pedagogy thereof.

Research Group for Higher Education and Innovation, member

Projects, grants, research

MARIHE (Master in Research in Higher Education)

The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (EU) under the action of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) (ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PEX-EMJM-MOB - ERASMUS2027 - 101180266). Our consortium includes: Danube University Krems/Austria (coordinator), University of Tampere/Finland, Beijing Normal University/China, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences/Germany, Eötvös Loránd University/Hungary, University of Aveiro/Portugal and Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (deemed to be University)/India.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees aim to foster excellence, innovation, and internationalisation in HEIs; to boost the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and support the EU's external action in the field of higher education; and to improve the level of competences and skills of Master graduates and their employability. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) manages EU funding for education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering; among them the action of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees.

The project website: marihe.eu


All Inc! project promotes inclusive education by bringing together pupils, (trainee) teachers and the wider school community to build LGBT+ friendly schools. All Inc! is active in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.  In each country, a university and secondary school will partner with pupils to co-create visions for LGBT+ friendly schools and supporting ‘tools for schools’. A virtual ‘human library’ will be built to share LGBT+ stories with the wider school community, and with young people across Europe.

Everything about the project http://allinc.eu/!


Anxiety versus ego strength – Investigating the ingredients of perceived safety: development of intervention tools and programmes for different actors and institutions functional at various segments of social safety (NKP-2018-00006) - project manager, co-production with Katalin Felvinczi


MoTeL (Models of Teacher Learning):  Models of Teacher Learning. Investigation of Teacher Continuous Professional Development Models at the Level of the Education System, the Organisation and the Individual - researcher

Designing MOOC courses

  • Preparation for university studies (EFOP-3.4.3-16 Institutional developments in higher education in order to jointly improve the quality and accessibility of higher education in the framework of a project) - with Zsuzsa Kovács and Anikó Áts
  • Research ethics - with János Bárth, Csanád Bodó, Andrea Deme, Alexandra Markó and Gergely Szabó

Publications, conferences

Recent publications

Kováts, G., & Rónay, Z. (2024). Az akadémiai szabadság tartalma és határai: a hagymamodell [The content and limits of academic freedom: The onion model]. Educatio, 33(3), 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1556/2063.33.2024.3.1

Káplár-Kodácsy, K., Dorner, H., & Rónay, Z. (2024). Navigating the realm of online faculty mentoring: From a network to the creation of a holding environment. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2024.2436045

Peter, Enim Rejubi; Laura, Alzmeter; Zoltan, Ronay (2024) Participation of Students in all Areas of Governance in Higher Education Institutions in the Light of the Literature - A Systematic Review. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science Engineering and Education – IJCRSEE, 12(2) DOI: http://10.23947/2334-8496-2024-12-2-437-450

Kováts, G.; Derényi, A.; Keczer, G.; Rónay, Z. (2023) The role of boards in Hungarian public interest foundation universities. STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION pp. 1-14.

Kováts Gergely, Rónay Zoltán (2023) How academic freedom is monitored: Overview of methods and procedures. Bruxelles, Belgium : EPRS, European Parliamentary Research Service Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) ISBN: 9789284802821

Rónay, Z.; Niemczyk, E.K. (2023) Higher Education as a Change Agent: Exploring Interconnection of Academic Freedom and Sustainable Development In: Nikolay, Popov; Charl, Wolhuter; Zacharias, L de Beer; Gillian, Hilton; James, Ogunleye; Elizabeth, Achinewhu-Nworgu; Ewelina, Niemczyk (eds.) Recovering Education: Using the Experiences and Learning Acquired to Build New and Better Education Systems. Sofia: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) pp. 267-272.

Rónay, Zoltán; Kormos, Kevin (2022) A jog védőháló vagy fenyegetés? Jelenlegi és leendő tanárok, valamint diákok vélekedése a jogról. ISKOLAKULTÚRA: PEDAGÓGUSOK SZAKMAI-TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA 32(6), pp. 83-92.

Niemczyk, E. K., & Rónay, Z. (2022) Roles, requirements and autonomy of academic researchers. Higher Education Quarterly, 00, 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1111/hequ.12403

Rónay Zoltán, Niemczyk Ewelina K (2022) Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom in the Light of National Regulatory Frameworks: Glance at Hungary and South Africa In: Popov, N.; Wolhuter, C.; de Beer, L.; Hilton, G.; Ogunleye, J.; Achinewhu-Nworgu, E.; Niemczyk, E Towards the Next Epoch of Education : BCES Conference Books, Volume 20, 2022 Sofia, Bulgária: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) pp. 209-215.

Antonowicz, D., Rónay, Z., & Jaworska, M. (2022). The power of policy translators: New university governing bodies in Hungary and Poland. European Educational Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/14749041221095275

Rónay Zoltán, Matyasovszky-Németh Márton (2022) The effects of neoliberal social policy on the institutional selectivity of the Hungarian K-12 educational system from a socio-legal perspective, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies (published online ahead of print 2022). https://akjournals.com/view/journals/2052/aop/article-10.1556-2052.2022.00363/article-10.1556-2052.2022.00363.xml

Kováts, Gergely ; Rónay, Zoltán (2021) Academic Freedom in Hungary. Wien, Austria: CEU OSUN

Káplár-Kodácsy, Kinga ; Rónay, Zoltán ; Dorner, Helga (2021) Adaptációs stratégiák a felsőoktatásban: egy mentorrendszer tapasztalatai. ISKOLAKULTÚRA: PEDAGÓGUSOK SZAKMAI-TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA 31:11-12, pp. 115-129. DOI Egyéb URL

Rónay, Zoltán (2021) Az egyetem szerepe és helye a magyar felsőoktatás-politikában, 1948–2020. In: Szécsényi, András; Zsidi, Vilmos (eds.) A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem és elődintézményei története a kezdetektől 2020-ig Budapest, Magyarország : Akadémiai Kiadó pp. 133-144.

Rónay, Zoltán ; Ewelina, K Niemczyk: A Worldwide Pandemic and Academic Freedom: Challenges of the Changing Landscape. In: Popov, N.; Wolhuter, C.; de Beer, L.; Hilton, G.; Ogunleye, J.; Achinewhu-Nworgu, E.; Niemczyk, E. (eds.) New Challenges to Education: Lessons from Around the World, Szófia, Bulgária: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) (2021) pp. 10-16.

Rónay, Zoltán ; Ewelina, Niemczyk: Institutional and Individual Autonomy in Relation to Research Productivity in Hungarian and South African Higher Education Contexts. In: Nikolay, Popov; Charl, Wolhuter; Louw, de Beer; Gillian, Hilton; James, Ogunleye; Elizabeth, Achinewhu-Nworgu; Ewelina, Niemczyk Educational Reforms Worldwide, Szófia, Bulgária : Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) (2020) pp. 240-247.

Rónay, Zoltán: LEGAL CASE VS LEGAL TEXT: How to Teach Law in Teacher Training. In: Mafalda, Carmo (szerk.) Education Applications & Developments V. : Advances in Education and Educational Trends Series, Lisboa, Portugália : InSciencePress, (2020) pp. 94-103.

All publications


Most of the publications are available here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zoltan-Ronay

Multimedia content

Universities and Crisis (project hosted by University of Cambridge): Academic Freedom and University Autonomy in Hungary: In this month's episode, Dr. Judit Gárdos and Dr. Zoltán Rónay discuss three decades of 'permanent reform' in Hungarian higher education, including its effects on academic freedom and university autonomy.

13-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action; Pane.l 3: Fundamental Values of Higher Education through the prism of Human Rights: Academic Freedom, Universal Right or Relative Term – speaker, the title of the presentation: Fundamental Values of Higher Education through the prism of Human Rights: Academic Freedom, Universal Right or Relative Term
13-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action; Panel 1: Launch of Report on Erosion of Academic Freedom – speaker, the title of the presentation: Academic Freedom in Action: Launch of Report on Erosion of Academic Freedom (co-presentery: Peter Maassen & Gergely Kováts)
13-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action; Panel Panel 3: Fundamental Values of Higher Education through the prism of Human Rights: Academic Freedom, Universal Right or Relative Term – Roundtable participant
13-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action; Panel 1: Launch of Report on Erosion of Academic Freedom – Roundtable participant
13-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action; Panel 3: Fundamental Values of Higher Education through the prism of Human Rights: Academic Freedom, Universal Right or Relative Term – Roundtable co-organiser
13-14-11-2024 Council of Europe: Academic Freedom in Action – Conference organiser committee member
26-10-2024 XXIV. National Conference on Education, University teachers' background, well-being and performance in Central and Eastern Europe, symposium – opponent
25-10-2024 XXIV. National Conference on Education, Section of Higher Education II. – section chair
25-10-2024 XXIV. National Conference on Education, Section of Higher Education Research II. – speaker, the title of the presentation: A Report on Academic Freedom in Hungary (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
15-17-06-2024 International Conference on Education and New Developments 2024 – Scientific Committee member
13-06-2024 Corvinus University of Budapest Research Week; Academic Freedom – Workshop Conference – speaker, the title of the presentation: The content and limits of academic freedom: the onion model (co-presenter: Gergely Kováts)
13-06-2024 Corvinus University of Budapest Research Week; Academic Freedom – Workshop Conference – Co-chair of the conference (co-chair: Gergely Kováts)
14-03-2024 CIES 2024 – The Power Of Protest: Highlighted Session: Protecting, Protesting, and Amplifying Academic Freedom – speaker, the title of the presentation: Threatened Academic Freedom in Hungary: What did US academia learn from illiberalism and Hungary? (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
24-02-2024 CEU Institute for Advanced Study: Democracy and Academic Freedom: University Futures in the Age of Authoritarianism? – Roundtable: Panel 4: Democracy within the University – Roundtable participant
24-02-2024 CEU Institute for Advanced Study: Democracy and Academic Freedom: University Futures in the Age of Authoritarianism? – speaker, the title of the presentation: How Academic Freedom is Monitored - Overview of Methods and Procedures (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
18-11-2023 KGRE "What will become of you, higher education?" - Educational Informatics in Higher Education IV Conference – speaker, the title of the presentation: Institutional guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence-based content generation in education-research
09-11-2023 Academic freedom or whatever you want, Corvinus University of Budapest – speaker, the title of the presentation: The rule of law and higher education – with particular reference to the national regulation of academic freedom
27-10-2023 XXIII. National Conference on Education, Section of Teacher Education (11) – speaker, the title of the presentation: LGBT, or Invisible, Lonely, Security-desired Teenagers in the Hungarian Education System. Internationally collaborative interventions for diverse schools (co-author: Kevin Kormos)
27-10-2023 XXIII. National Conference on Education, Section of Teacher Education (11) – section chair
27-10-2023 XXIII. National Conference on Education, Section of Sociology of Education (4) – speaker, the title of the presentation: Against the Current. The situation and perception of sexual minorities in schools in the light of current developments in public education (co-author: Erzsébet Csereklye & Kevin Kormos)
26-10-2023 XXIII. National Conference on Education, Factors affecting the well-being and effectiveness of university teachers in Central and Eastern Europe, symposium – opponent
25-10-2023 ELTE PPK & MTA Scientific Section II - Pedagogical Scientific Committee’s Working Group on Higher Education-pedagogy, Research and Development in Higher Education and Pedagogy in the New Context, Section of Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence, section chair
05-10-2023 The Future of Higher Education and Science – A Turn of the Times? – speaker, the title of the presentation: Challenges and Difficulties in Monitoring Academic Freedom (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
30–08-2023 ATEE Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the Move – co-author, the title of the presentation: The links between the treatment of behavioural disorders and legislation in public education. Legal knowledge and awareness of teachers working with behavioural disorders in the context of public education (speaker: Tamás Reményi)
30–08-2023 ATEE Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the Move – section chair, Teacher Education Theories es Methods
29–08-2023 ATEE Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the Move – section chair, Educational Responses to Societal Challenge from the Perspectives of Teacher Education
27–08-2023 ATEE Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the Move – Workshop organizer and chair, Preconference Workshop 3: Teacher Education and
27–30–08-2023 ATEE Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the Move – Scientific Committee member
30–06-2023 XXI BCES Conference Recovering Education: Using the Experiences and Learning Acquired to Build New and Better Education Systems (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – speaker, the title of the presentation: Institutional Higher Education as a Change Agent: Exploring Interconnection of Academic Freedom and Sustainable Development (with Prof. Ewelina K. Niemczyk)
24–26-06-2023 International Conference on Education and New Developments 2023 – Scientific Committee member
12-06-2023 An Empirical Perspective on Model Change (Corvinus University of Budapest) - lecturer, the title of the presentation: Challenges of Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy
26-05-2023 The frontiers of education – HuCER 2023 – speaker, the title of the presentation: A crisis of academic freedom? Negative trends in a global context (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
26-05-2023 The frontiers of education – HuCER 2023 – section chair, Career Tracking Section
26-05-2023 The frontiers of education – HuCER 2023 – co-author, the title of the presentation: International and Hungarian education reforms affecting the decision-making process in the higher education system – from the perspective of students (speaker: Laura Alzmeter)
13-05-2023 All Inc! Conference München 2023 - “All Inc! Building LGBT+ friendly schools across Europe” – speaker, the title of the presentation: Against the Odds (with Kevin Kormos)
13-05-2023 All Inc! Conference München 2023 - “All Inc! Building LGBT+ friendly schools across Europe” – workshop chair, Recommendations for Building LGBT+ Friendly Schools: Share Your Feedback! workshop
04-05-2023 Scientific conference "Rights, legal pedagogy, human image and disability" on the occasion of the Equal Opportunities Day, in honour of Endre Bíró, Honorary Professor (ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education) –speaker, the title of the presentation: Rights and responsibilities of teachers and pupils with behavioural problems (with Tamás Reményi)
13-04-2023 Conference on Higher Education-pedagogy (ELTE PPK & MTA Scientific Section II - Pedagogical Scientific Committee’s Working Group on Higher Education-pedagogy) – Chair, Institutional Relations Section
13-04-2023 Conference on Higher Education-pedagogy (ELTE PPK & MTA Scientific Section II - Pedagogical Scientific Committee’s Working Group on Higher Education-pedagogy) – co-author, the title of the presentation: Academic Freedom in European Higher Education (speaker: Gergely Kováts)
24-03-2023 Sándor Illyés Memorial Days – lecturer, the title of the lecture: Ethical and legal aspects of the use of artificial intelligence: man & machine - law & responsibility
22-03-2023 The Recent Challenges of Higher Education Management (ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology) –előadó, előadás címe: Current challenges of university autonomy and academic freedom – from West to East with a special focus on Hungary's new university governance model (co-author: Gergely Kováts)
28-11-2022 How to provide enforceable protection for academic freedom at EU level? (European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment, STOA) – workshop speaker, the title of the presentation: How to monitor academic freedom? Overview of academic freedom's assessment initiatives and methodologies in Europe (with Kováts Gergely)
17-11-2022 XXII National Conference on Education, Section of Civic Education and Legal Regulation – co-author, the title of presentation: Behaviour Disorders and the Law: the legal situation of students with behavioural problems in the international context - with special reference to disciplinary issues (speaker: Tamás Reményi)
17-11-2022 XXII National Conference on Education, Section of Higher Education – co-author, the title of presentation: The participation of students in the life of Hungarian Higher Education Institutions (speaker: Laura Alzmeter)
17-11-2022 XXII National Conference on Education, Section of Higher Education – co-author, the title of presentation: Participation of Students in the Life of Educational Institutions (Rights, Obligations, Opportunities) (speaker: Peter Rejubi Enim)
02-11-2022 Digital Space Conference - 2022 - Pathways to Digital Well-being (ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, Tempus Public Foundation) (online), Section Digital Society - Digital School - Digital Well-being Session – speaker, the title of presentation: Real rights in virtual space or the legal framework for digital education
27-09-2022 „Never-ending search for the new” – Celebration conference in honour of Prof. Gábor Halász conference organiser (co-organiser: Orsolya Kálmán, Ágnes Fazekas, László Horváth)
26-09-2022 Anxiety versus ego strength - research findings, development suggestions and dilemmas. Final conference of the project NKP 2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00006conference organiser (co-organiser: Katalin Felvinczi)
09-09-2022 Free to Think? Challenges for Academia and Journalism (ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Hamburg, Germany & CEU) – panelist, the title of the panel discussion: A Conversation on the Freedom of Thought
06-09-2022 EAIR 44th Annual Forum – co-author, the title of presentation: Is model change a Hungarian specialty? Variations on a Theme: Foundation universities in an illiberal democracy - the case of Hungary (speaker: Gergely Kováts, co-author: András Derényi, Péter Kádár-Csoboth, Gabriella Keczer)
01-09-2022 ECER 2022 plus (EERA Annual conference) (online) – co-author, the title of presentation: Academic Freedom in an Illiberal Democracy: the case of Hungary (speaker: Gergely Kováts)
24-06-2022 Towards the Next Epoch of Education: XX Jubilee Annual International BCES Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) (online) – speaker, the title of the presentation: Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom in the Light of National Regulatory Frameworks: Glance at Hungary and South Africa (with Prof. Ewelina K. Niemczyk)
27-05-2022 Education in a Changing World – Research, Innovation, Development – HuCER 2022: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research – co-author, the title of presentation: Is model change a Hungarian specialty? The transformation of the university maintaining structure in Hungary in the light of international trends (speaker: Gergely Kováts, co-author: Gabriella Keczer)
26-05-2022 Education in a Changing World – Research, Innovation, Development – HuCER 2022: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research – co-author, the title of presentation: Discipline against criminalisation? Pupils with behavioural problems in the light of the law, with a special focus on discipline (speaker: Tamás Reményi)
29-03-2022 Sándor Illyés Memorial Days – lecturer, the title of the lecture: "Academic freedom" - is the play-space accessible? (with Gergely Kováts)
09-02-2022 Public Lecture (University of Gibraltar) – lecturer, the title of lecture: Law in Schools – Challenges in Teacher Training
13-01-2022 Corvinus University of Budapest Research Week – speaker, the title of presentation: Academic Freedom in Hungary (with Gergely Kováts)
30-11-2021 MTA Department II Scientific Committee on Working Group on Higher Education Pedagogy: Pedagogy – Higher Education – speaker, the title of presentation: Do parallel lines meet at infinity? Or the legal-economic-governance restructuring of higher education and the interest of competent, effective education. Does this have an impact on the institutional atmosphere and on the institutional identity of the teachers-students?
19-11-2021 XXI National Conference on Education, Section of Doctoral education, Ph.D. process, Ph.D. students – Section chair (onsite designated)
19-11-2021 XXI National Conference on Education, Section of Doctoral education, Ph.D. process, Ph.D. students – speaker, the title of presentation: Co- and Team-Supervising in Doctoral Schools: Achievements and Challenges (with Orsolya Kálmán and László Horváth)
19-11-2021 XXI National Conference on Education, Section of Higher education, adult education – speaker, the title of presentation: Reflective Mentoring Processes in Higher Education: Experiences of a Tutor Mentoring System (with Kinga Káplár-Kodácsy, Helga Dorner, Luca Alexa Erdei)
19-11-2021 XXI National Conference on Education – poster exhibitor, the title of the poster: Measuring Attitudes towards Law in Public Education (with Kevin Kormos)
18-11-2021 XXI National Conference on Education, Section of Teacher trining, higher education – speaker, the title of presentation: The Multiplication Potential of Participatory Education in Teacher Education - A Multi- and Transdisciplinary Approach (with Csilla Cserti-Szauer, Anikó Sándor, Csenge Surányi, Kevin Kormos)
03-11-2021 Eötvös József Group - Institute for Social Reflection: Autonomy in higher education – speaker, the title of presentation: Whose Autonomy Is It Anyway?
09-09-2021 ATEE 2021 Conference (online) – speaker, the title of presentation: Supporting the Professional Development and learning of teachers in the Hungarian regulatory system (co-authors: Judit Szivák, Ágnes N. Tóth, Magdolna Salát)

The meaning and interpretations of university autonomy. Daybreak. Autonomies then and now - and tomorrow. Lecture series by György Fábri. 1st occasion(online) - discussant


New Challenges to Education. Lessons from Around the World. XIX Annual International Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) (online) – keynote speaker, the title of the presentation: A Worldwide Pandemic and Academic Freedom: Challenges of the Changing Landscape (with Prof. Ewelina K. Niemczyk)

30-05 - 01-06-2021

CSSHE 2021 Virtual Conference (Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) & University of Alberta) (online) – co-author, the title of presentation: The magic power of policy translators - new university governing bodies in Hungary and Poland (speaker: Dominik Antonowicz, co-author: Marta Jaworska)


HuCER 2021: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research, 2021 (online) – speaker, the title of webinar presentation: The law: a safety net or a threat? Measuring legal attitude based on a small sample of school case studies (with Kevin Kormos)


10th Be a Parent Conference (Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Hungarian Pedagogical Society, Be a Parent Program és Nonprofit Association for Democratic Education and Learning) – Roundtable: The relationship between parents and school – Roundtable participant


LERU CE7 Research Ethics Online Seminar (League of European Research Universities & Eötvös Loránd University) (online) – speaker, the title of presentation: Challenges in research ethics before and during the pandemic (with Gyöngyi Kökönyei)


The scientific programme: Comparative School Counselling International Virtual Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) (online) – Programme Committee member


The scientific programme: XX National Conference on Education, Symposium: Learning and Adaptation in Emergency Distance Higher Education (online) – speaker, the title of presentation: Adaptation Strategies in Higher Education: Experiences of a Mentoring System (with Kinga Káplár-Kodácsy)


The scientific programme: XX. National Conference on Education, Thematic section of Nonformal and Informal Education (online) – speaker, the title of presentation: The Impact of School Organizational Culture Related to Compliance on the Formation of Students' Legal Attitudes (with Ágnes Fazekas)


The scientific programme: XX. National Conference on Education, Thematic section of Educational Psychology (online) – speaker, the title of presentation: Pedagogical Principles vs. Obligation of Employees. Considering a Dilemma on an Example of a Jedi Master


The scientific programme: XX. National Conference on Education, Thematic section (online) – chair, Section of Educational Psychology


The scientific programme: Impact of the Epidemic on Human (Scientific) Research (Lingual Articulation Research Group, Momentum 2016-2021 – Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Eötvös Loránd University) – Roundtable: Research Ethics Issues, Dilemmas, and Solutions (not only) at the Time of an Epidemic (online) – Roundtable participant


The scientific programme: Results and perspectives of research on legal awareness and legal culture (Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies) – speaker, the title of presentation: About the Importance and Directions of Research of the Legal Awareness and Legal Attitude among the Actors of Public Education


The scientific programme: Educational Reforms Worldwide: XVIII Annual International Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) (online) – speaker, the title of webinar presentation: Institutional and Individual Autonomy in Relation to Research Productivity in Hungarian and South African Higher Education Contexts (with Prof. Ewelina K. Niemczyk)


The scientific programme: HuCER 2020: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research, 2020 (online) – speaker, the title of webinar presentation: On the relationship of teachers and students to law (with Ágnes Fazekas)


The scientific programme: Management in Higher Education (conference co-organized by BCE Center for International Higher Education Studies, Educatio journal, and Hungarian Sociological Association, Section of Education), speaker, the title of presentation: The Role of boards in Higher Education – two samples


The scientific programme: Look Wide! – The closing conference of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship project of the European Commission; Roundtable Discussion: Institutional Solutions to Manage and Prevent School Violence - Roundtable Participant


The scientific programme: Safe spaces - Campaign launcher Conference - Roundtable participant


The scientific programme: XIX. National Conference on Education, Symposium: Complex interpretation and the possibilities of renewing examination of the professional development and learning of teachers – speaker, the title of presentation: Supporting the Professional Development of Teachers in the Domestic Regulatory System (with Judit Szivák, Ágnes Fazekas, and Magdolna Salát)


The scientific programme: XIX. National Conference on Education, Symposium: Learning and learning support in HE – speaker, the title of presentation: Learning Support Ethical Leader in HE (with László Horváth)


The scientific programme: International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019 – speaker, the title of presentation: Teaching Law in Teacher’s Training – Early Experiences of a Pilot Curse in Eötvös Loránd University


The scientific programme: International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019 – section chair (TEACHING AND LEARNING Science and technology Education)


The scientific programme: International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019 – Scientific Committee member


The scientific programme: Glocal Education in Practice: Teaching, Researching, and Citizenship: XVII Annual International BCES Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – speaker, the title of presentation: Academic Freedom and Strong State Control: Two Samples to Illustrate the Consequences


The scientific programme: 30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Educational Reforms in Eastern and Central Europe & Eurasia 1989-2019 (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – speaker, the title of presentation: The Rise and Fall of Autonomy. The Last Thirty Years of Hungarian Higher


The scientific programme: 30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Educational Reforms in Eastern and Central Europe & Eurasia 1989-2019 (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – Working Group Chair, Working Group 3: Higher Education


The scientific programme: 30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Educational Reforms in Eastern and Central Europe & Eurasia 1989-2019 (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – International Program Committee member


The scientific programme: Educational administration (Hungarian Sociological Association, Section of Education) – speaker, the title of presentation: Theory and Practice. The Realisation of Legal Principles during the Educational Administration


The scientific programme: Oxford Education Research Symposium – Special Topic Session: Oxford Symposium on the Finance, Law and Economics of Education – speaker, the title of presentation: Executive Liability of Universities –Research Tools and Study Directions


The scientific programme: „2nd Danube Conference” for Higher Education Management. In search of excellence in higher education – speaker, the title of presentation: Consistory – the obscure subject of state control


The scientific programme: „2nd Danube Conference” for Higher Education Management. In search of excellence in higher education – Scientific (Programme) Committee member


The scientific programme: XVIII. National Conference on Education, Symposium: Lecturer’s Role becoming differentiated in HE – speaker, the title of presentation: Roles and Collaboration on the Field of Interdisciplinary Program Design and Management (with László Horváth)


The scientific programme: International Conference on Education and New Developments 2018 – keynote speaker, the title of presentation: Respect for Human Dignity: as a Framework and Subject of Education in the Light of Present Challenges


The scientific programme: Education in Modern Society: XVI Annual International BCES Conference (Bulgarian Comparative Education Society) – speaker, title of presentation: Centralizations and Autonomies: The Delimitation of Education by the Hungarian Government


The scientific programme: Education – Economy – Society: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research – HuCER 2018, (HERA – Hungarian Educational Research Association) – speaker, English title of presentation: Wondering, what the consistory is


The scientific programme: Education – Economy – Society: Hungarian Conference on Educational Research – HuCER 2018, (HERA – Hungarian Educational Research Association) – co-chair of section, titled "Efficiency”


The scientific programme: The 16th Conference on Educational Assessment – CEA 2018 – speaker: English title of presentation: The pedagogical idea of pupils’ assessment in the light of Act on Public Education


The scientific programme: Hungarian Higher Education Conference 2017 (Corvinus University Budapest, Center for International Higher Education Studies) – speaker, English title of presentation: Sector's control and management in light of managerial responsibility


The scientific programme: Autonomy in public (constitutional) law science (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies) – speaker, English title of presentation: The position of Autonomy of Higher Education in Public Law


The scientific programme: About the secretary generals (Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Higher Education Management Workshop) – speaker, English title of presentation: The role of secretary general in the leadership of higher education institutes


The scientific programme: The electronic payment order and the notarial function (English title) (Hungarian Lawyers’ Association Section for Civil Process Law) – organiser



The scientific programme: Civil Procedure of 21st century Conference (English title) Hungarian Lawyers’ Association Section for Civil Process Law) – organiser

Membership in professional and scientific bodies

Scientific bodies membership

HERA – Hungarian Educational Research Association, membership

HERA – Hungarian Educational Research Association: Co-chair of  the Higher Education-Research Section

Hungarian Academy of Sciences Public Body IX. Section of Economics and Law Committee on Legal and Political Sciences, membership

Editoral board membership

Editorial Board of Neveléstudomány [Educational Science], membership

Expert activities

  • Global Observatory of Higher Education (Krems) - co-founder
  • Council of Europe, Democratic Mission of Higher Education (2024 -2027) -  Expert team member for Academic Freedom in Action
  • Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS),  Secretariat of the European Parliament Scientific Foresight Unit, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) – expert on Academic Freedom issues
  • Edu-HRight: Research Unit External Evaluation, North-West University, Potchefstroom South Africa – External panel member


Pro Facultate Award (2024 September)

ELTE University Excellence Fund "Outstanding Scientific Publication of Outstanding Prestige" Award (2022. November)